What do you like about Holy Trinity Nursery?/ What makes you happy at Nursery?
"Everything! Teachers really nice, my friends kind , it fun playing picnics.... Baby sticks are little, playing outside gives me happy face! The kitchen is so pretty!" (Noor)
I like to play with in the home corner , do chalks in the garden , the big box bus in the garden, the wobbly bridge, making stage and dance to people!" (Mia)
I like racing cars at nursery, and the riding bikes outside and the happy friends and I like going the field and doing the wobbly bridge thing Ilga makes in the trees and the duck goose game." (Deondre)
“Inside and outside! Everything!” (Zina)
“Playing mummies and daddies with my friends!” (Florence)
“In the car, go fast! And riding bikes!” (Zion)
“I love painting with my friends!” (Perla)
“Home corner, unicorns and chicks!” (Hoorain)