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EYFS at Holy Trinity School

At Holy Trinity our vision is to create an enriching and supportive environment where every child feels valued, empowered, and inspired to explore the wonders of learning.

Through carefully planned experiences and age-appropriate challenges, we encourage children to take initiative, make choices, and develop the skills they need to navigate the world with confidence.

Play Based Approach

Play based Approach to learning and lots of adult interaction

  • The environment is set up as the ‘third teacher’
  • Staff know the abilities and skills of each child and know how to support them to develop.
  • Staff spend large amounts of time playing directly with the children.
  • This helps to develop more natural play, conversations and interaction between adults and children.

Communication is Key

There is an emphasis on the importance of developing communication and language skills. 

  • Children should be supported in building up vocabulary by increasing the amount of words they know and can use.
  • Encourage more conversations between adults and children, but also children and their peers.
  • Good language skills are the basis for all other learning and social interaction, so this is vital to focus on. 


There is a focus on how reading stories is important to help children develop in all of Areas of Learning.

  • Daily reading of stories encourages an enjoyment of reading from a young age.
  • Lots of other learning opportunities happen when looking at books, for example comparisons of culture or the past.
  • Listening to stories develops imagination, ideas and language.
  • Reading is an essential skill and so should be shown to children, as well as practised by them regularly.
  • Children are also encouraged to use story ideas in their play.


Maths is not only taught through whole class and small group sessions but is a constant thread running through the environments.

  • Open-ended math-based activities available throughout the environment.
  • Indoor and Outdoor problem-solving challenges.
  • Developing a strong sense of number with the key skills of subitizing and composition of numbers.

 Fine and Gross Motor Skills

There is an emphasis of developing both fine and motor skills.

  • Daily encouragement to use large scale climbing equipment.
  • Encouraging exploration and confidence and a ‘have a go’ attitude.
  • Lots of other learning opportunities to develop and practice small motor skills.
  • Daily opportunities to practice handwriting posture and pencil grip.
  • Open-ended play spaces to encourage rough and tumble play